About Us

Hi! I’m Becca, the heart behind U Soxy Thang and a life long equestrian. After having a successful youth and amateur career at the World level, I have settled into the show mom life with my two small fries who are following in my footsteps. Their current horse is my heart horse, A Rockin' Zipper "Annie", who you will see featured in many areas around my shop!

I started making socks for my girls in 2023. They get so excited to help design their own and and keep asking for more! It has quickly became something we enjoy doing together; creating designs and making memories - plus, let's just say they never run out of socks! Common themes in their designs include horses and the Kansas City Chiefs. 

Blending this newfound passion for creating designs with my lifelong love of horses, U Soxy Thang was born. My goal is to bring quality socks and equestrian themed apparel to those horse lovin' girls who want to add a little personality to every stride!